Nine Things I Try to Do When I Feel Creatively Drained
I declare a vacation. Usually about a week long. I don’t look at any of my work during that week. I get out my paper journal and pen and I write in it every day. I just brain-dump, all my complaints and worries and selfish egotistical thoughts. I’m writing to purge myself of the…
I have written a short story.
It’s about honeybees, witchcraft, unrequited love, and the price you pay for the magic you need. I think I’m going to send it to magazines.
My First Book Deal
(transcribed from graphic: “C.L. Polk’s debut WITCHMARK, in which a doctor returned from a recent war has faked his death to work at a cash-strapped veteran’s hospital, but when a fatally poisoned patient exposes his secret healing powers to a witness, he must put his anonymity and freedom at risk to investigate his patient’s…
I have an agent! I’m now represented by Caitlin McDonald of Donald Maass Literary Agency. I’m so very happy and I have been DYING to announce this and now at last I can!